70000 books in different languages – free and without ads. Convenient app and online reader

No need to search for classical literature on the Internet: the free ARHEVE app gives you access to tens of thousands of books, including not only works of art, but also journalism, scientific, and religious works by domestic and foreign authors.
The ARHEVE interface is simple and convenient: select the desired author from the list, then select one of their works, and you can start reading. The wide range of text settings makes reading in ARHEVE as comfortable as possible.

The ARHEVE electronic library does not make money by displaying advertising banners and does not sell e-books, so it needs financial assistance from readers. We will be very grateful to you for any, even the smallest, amount that you are ready to send for the development of the project. Your donation will be used to expand the funds of the library and improve the free mobile application.
Books in different languages: download and read online

You can use the unique online .txt file reader for your online project.
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